Monday, April 28, 2008

Intro to Group Assignment

Well finally the moment you have all been waiting for. . . the group assignment! The day that we had to write down the name of our partners Emily was not there but I wrote her name down as my partner. Gladly she did not revoked this offer (why would she :) ?) . The next day she was back and we were given the sheets outlining what we have to do.

There are two parts to the assignment: the first part is a program that determines the average height for the age categories between 13-18. Today the only thing that we did with this part was figuring out what we have to assign as a variable. Then with a similar program in hand we began to piece together the different formulas that we had to insert. At first this program did not seem hard but now we are realizing that we are missing one thing and we are searching are brains trying to find the answer. This is missing puzzle piece is the formula to how to add up all the various heights. At the moment the only thing it is doing it just displaying zero as the average height for all of the age categories.

That's all for now folks. . . more info will be posted tomorrow. . . I promise!

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