Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Selective Problems

"Selective Problems" is the ingenious name that Emily and I decided to call the new concept we had been learning these past days. Through these problems we had to use 'loops', 'do loops' and 'for next' concepts. Many of the questions are not hard but you have to make sure that you understand them completely or else you will create the wrong program.

We have been taught how sometimes you can crash the computer because it continuously loops a formula such as printing consecutive numbers or sentences and you never tell it to stop. Mr. Chiarelli showed us how to stop these crashed programs. I have learned how to make sure that my program does not crash by setting a limit and telling the computer when to stop.

For the next couple of days we are supposed to be just doing various problems and learning a couple of new concepts. From looking at my day planner I believe that we are going to be introduced to our first group project on Visual Basics. I also believe that this is the first group project period we have done in this class. Emily and I will obviously be together because as two of the three girls in this class we have to stay together.

Well it is getting late and I should be going now. Stay tuned for more news about my adventures with Visual Basics and about the upcoming group project!

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