Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Fun with Flash

Today I got some more basic information about Flash. I learned how to make a object move across the screen in one smooth transaction and what tweening is. At first I was having trouble with a stick figure that we were supposed to make it move it's arms and legs. But then later on I got the hang of it and found out what I was doing wrong.

The coolest thing that I learned today what how to take and object such as a snowboard and then make it turn into the letter X. This whole process seemed difficult at first but then when I saw it done step by step I realized that it wasn't as hard as I thought that it would be. With a lot of patience and careful listening I was able to complete all of the steps and make my snowboard turn into a letter!

Our networking test results were posted on First Class today and I did so much better than I thought I did: 35/40. So far my mark in this course is a 91% and I want to raise my mark with the next two topics we are going to study.

I can't wait for another day of Flash, i'm really enjoying this unit so far.

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