Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Family

Yesterday and today we were given work periods for our Flash family assignment. The main goal of this assignment is to create a Flash program that has a short introduction which then continues onto the main screen. On the main screen there are going to be buttons which directs the page onto the certain topic such as: my parents, my brothers and me! Each scene must have a picture of the family member and some information.

For me the most exciting part of the assignment was yesterday as I designed the main page and the introduction. The next thing that I will be looking forward to is adding in all the pictures. I managed to find some pictures at home but tonight I'm going to try and look for some more. I also have to figure out what kind of information I want to put on the slide for each family member. I believe that I am the only person in this class that has a family of six not including five fish and a turtle.

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