Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's the weather?

Today we learned a couple more concepts and then we were given a small weather assignment. We were taught how to group objects on one form so that whatever action we establish on one group of objects will not affect the other group. The object from the toolbox used to do this is called 'frame'.

The assignment that we were given today consisted of using the concepts learned today: frames and radio buttons. Radio buttons are also called option buttons. In our weather assignment we had to make two frames: one consisting of three types of weather and another with three different countries. The purpose of this assignment was that when the radio button beside the name of the country or type of weather was selected an image would appear.

I believe that this assignment was not as hard as I thought it would be when I first saw it. The only thing that I had to pay attention to was making sure that the correct image was visible while the others were not. The method of copying and pasting the code from the one radio button to the next and then modifying it was much easier than just rewriting it.

Keep on checking for more news!

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